An unexpected blow to the face or sudden injury to the mouth can foster immediate pain and fear, especially when you suspect your tooth has been knocked loose. While a loose or avulsed tooth is an obvious reason to visit an emergency dentist, there are other dental concerns that leave patients unsure and wondering if they really need immediate care.
To Call or Not to Call?
Colgate offers insight into common dental and mouth injuries, including teeth that are cracked, broken or knocked out. In these cases, the need to get emergency dental care depends on where the tooth is located and the severity of the damage. In general, if you have a minor crack or fracture in a tooth without significant pain, you can likely wait until normal business hours to contact your dentist. However, if a portion of a tooth is broken off or if the tooth comes out completely, an emergency phone call to the dentist is required. It is important to remember that if you are uncertain as to whether your dental problem warrants emergency care, go ahead and call the dental office to find out.
Quick Rules for a Knocked Out Tooth
If a tooth has been knocked out, you have a few things to do in addition to calling your dentist. In order to retain the possibility of saving the tooth, try not to touch or handle the tooth by its root. It is also critical that you keep it moist until you get to the dentist. You can do this by placing the tooth back in its socket and holding it there or preserving the avulsed tooth in cup of milk.
When Pain is the Only Symptom
Some dental emergencies can’t get explained by a sudden injury or even physical signs of damage. This is the case when there is an abscess below the gum line or along the jaw. Dental abscesses can produce severe pain. Let the discomfort be your sign to get yourself to the dentist promptly. Antibiotics and other infection-fighting treatments may be necessary.
Quality Emergency Dental Care in Roswell
Dr. Mitzi Morris understands how frightening and disruptive dental emergencies can be. However, we also know that not every dental concern is a true emergency. To put your mind at ease and get the timely treatment you need and deserve, please call our Roswell office. Dental emergencies are unpredictable, so we reserve time in our daily schedules to treat your urgent dental problems.