Do you brush your teeth twice a day? Congratulations on a job well done. However, your responsibilities don’t end after you rinse and spit. The way you store your toothbrush in between brushing sessions can have a notable impact on your oral health. Are you sabotaging your oral hygiene efforts by storing your toothbrush the wrong way?
Multiple studies show that your toothbrush can harbor a high volume of microorganisms that can cause oral infections, these include microorganisms from your mouth as well as from the environment. Our job should be to store the toothbrush in a way that reduces or eliminates external bacteria from traveling and clinging to your toothbrush bristles. After all, that bacteria will only get transferred to your teeth the next time you brush!
Follow these toothbrush storage rules for cleaner bristles and a healthier mouth:
#1 Air it out.
Bacteria love to grow in dark, damp places. Therefore, you should avoid covering your toothbrush. Storing it upright is even more effective to dry out the bristles and prevent bacteria accumulation.
#2 Place it away from the toilet.
Is your toothbrush stored closer than six feet from your toilet? If so, you need to find a new spot. Airborne bacteria can travel from your flush to your bristles in a matter of seconds.
#3 Be selfish with it.
Every member of your household should have his or her own toothbrush. Never share your toothbrush with a child, spouse or friend, as you’ll be sharing their germs too!
#4 Know when to replace it.
In general, you should plan on replacing your toothbrush every three months. If the bristles fray before then, go ahead and purchase a new one. In addition, if your toothbrush gets dirty or contaminated before it completes its lifespan, you can sanitize it by popping it in the dishwasher.
At the office of Dr. Mitzi Morris, we love helping patients maximize their oral hygiene efforts at home. Remember that even a five-star brusher needs to visit the dentist every six months for a professional cleaning. To schedule your routine checkup at our Roswell office, call us today!