If you’ve lost a full arch of teeth, dentures are a life-saving solution. Modern dentures can replace missing teeth and replicate the smile you once had in terms of function, feel and appearance. Just like your natural teeth, however, dentures must be properly cared for to avoid structural damage as well as staining.
Fortunately, your prosthetic teeth won’t stain quite like your real teeth. However, that doesn’t mean that your dentures will retain their brilliant white regardless of what you put them through. It is important to learn the ways you can keep your dentures white so that your smile confidence isn’t jeopardized by yellow, dark or stained teeth.
Switch Your Toothbrush and Toothpaste
The toothbrushes and toothpastes you used for your natural teeth may be too abrasive for your dentures. This includes the any whitening toothpastes you may have used in the past. You’ll need to start using a toothpaste that is uniquely designed for dentures.
Know When to Clean Your Dentures
Berries, red wine, and coffee are common tooth-staining culprits that can also impact your dentures. While you don’t have to avoid these dark-colored foods and drinks, you should make an effort to clean your dentures immediately after consuming them. A simple rinse with water can help if you don’t have access to a toothbrush!
Remember to Floss Your Dentures Regularly
Yes, your dentures need flossing too. Food particles and dark liquids can get stuck between your prosthetic teeth. Flossing can be a critical task to keeping all surfaces of your dentures bright and clean.
Remove Your Dentures During Sleep
If you are in the habit of sleeping with your dentures, you are exposing your prosthetic teeth to large amounts of bacteria growth. In addition, your dentures are missing their valued hours of soaking. Dentures rely on your sleeping hours to be soaked and cleaned. Always talk to your dentist before you try a new cleaning tablet or soaking mixture, as there are certain ingredients (like lemon juice) that can damage your prosthetic teeth after a certain amount of time.
Talk to Your Dentist
If you are struggling to find confidence in the way your dentures feel or look, consult your denture provider. At Mitzi Morris DMD, we realize the notable investment you’ve made in your dentures and we want you to retain a brilliant and healthy smile going forward!