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Dental Procedure Roswell, GA

Cavity Repair: What Can I Expect?

Did you know that the average person will have to get at least one dental filling during their lifetime? While we do our best to help patients prevent tooth decay, it is a common dental health problem that does occur from time to time. Most patients don’t even know they have a cavity until they

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Woman in Dentist Chair Gving a Thumbs Up Roswell, GA

The ABC’s of a Healthy Smile

Is your oral health a priority? Many people spend substantial time and money in keeping their bodies in top condition. However, they neglect to realize the important link between oral health and body health. By keeping your mouth healthy, you can protect and improve the health of other vital systems in your body – such

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Cosmetic Dentistry

The Importance of Strong Enamel

The enamel of your teeth is the outer layer of protection. It is also the hardest and most mineralized substance in your entire body. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean your enamel is invincible. In fact, this outer covering of your teeth can be quickly compromised by the acids created by oral bacteria. When enamel wears thin,

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Senior Adult Patient Roswell GA

Tooth Decay and the Aging Adult

Teeth are designed to last a lifetime, but they will always demand proper care to retain their condition. While it is common to focus on cavity prevention for kids, the aging adult is also susceptible to a certain type of decay. If you were born prior to the 1970’s, you may be facing root decay.

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Dental Patient Roswell GA

Does Your Dental Filling Need Replacement?

Starting from a very young age, you learned that decay (or cavities) was the biggest threat to your oral health. While cavities aren’t the only dental health issue, they are certainly one of the most common – and they aren’t just for kids. Adults can suffer from tooth decay too. In fact, the Centers for

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Implants ilustration

Top Reasons to Replace a Missing Tooth

Your adult teeth are meant to last a lifetime. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Teeth may need to be removed when damage is too extensive to repair, such as after accidental trauma or when there is severe infection or decay. Regardless of how you lost your tooth or where it is in your mouth, it

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Dental Patient Roswell, GA

Fixing a Gapped Smile

Gaps between a child’s teeth are considered cute and even endearing. Unfortunately, adults don’t get the same reaction. Improper spacing between teeth, especially between the two front teeth, can be a real threat to your self-confidence and quickly distract from your overall smile beauty. The good news is that tooth gaps can be fixed with

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Smiling Dental Patient Roswell GA

The Link Between Hydration and Oral Health

You probably already know that water is essential to human survival. In fact, our bodies are composed of nearly 60% water. Water allows us to remove wastes, distribute nutrients and keep our skin healthy. But the benefits of H20 don’t stop there. Water is equally important to your oral health, especially if you choose a

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a black man with toothache

Ways to Prepare for Your Root Canal

Thanks to antiquated techniques and outdated anesthetic methods, root canal therapy has a poor reputation for being a long, invasive and painful procedure. You should know, however, that this endodontic treatment is considered more of a hero than a villain in terms of your oral health. In addition, root canal therapy is not painful. In

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