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Senior Couple Smiling Roswell GA

Your Oral Health as You Age

Aging brings a host of changes within your body, which results in certain health risks you weren’t exposed to as a child or young adult. These risks include your bones, your heart and even your mouth. In fact, aging adults and seniors are more susceptible to certain dental health conditions. It is important to know

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Teeth and Gums Roswell, GA

Are Obesity and Gum Disease Linked?

It is already understood that the health of your gums is highly influenced by the health of your body, and vice versa. Untreated gum disease has been linked to stroke, heart disease, premature birth and other serious health conditions. But could your body weight play a role in your periodontal health? A recent study at

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Woman in Dentist Chair Gving a Thumbs Up Roswell, GA

New Year’s Goals for Your Smile: Simple Goes a Long Way

How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution, only to fall short before spring? As 2019 begins, we encourage you to make goals for a healthier you. However, please make them attainable. When it comes to your dental health, you don’t have to make lofty resolutions that aren’t realistic. In fact, the best

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Dentist and Patient Consulting About Dental Implants Roswell GA

The Final Step In Your Dental Implant Process

If you are considering or undergoing implant dentistry to replace missing teeth, you probably know there is a set and timely process involved. When it comes to replicating a natural tooth in form, function and appearance, you simply can’t do better than a dental implant. Dental implants are a permanent form of teeth replacement that

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Set of Clear Dental Aligners Roswell GA

Invisalign Solves These Braces Complaints

Are you struggling to find confidence in your crooked, gapped or misaligned smile? You are not alone. But thanks to modern orthodontics, you have treatment options beyond metal braces. Invisalign is a clear aligner system that has helped thousands of patients gain a smile they are proud of. The best part, Invisalign squelches many of

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Pediatric Patient Sitting in Dentist Chair Roswell, GA

Answering Your Questions About Dental Sealants

The consequences of decay can be detrimental to a child’s dental health, as well as their overall well-being. If the decay is not treated in a timely manner, a child may avoid healthy food options and/or experience challenges in speech and social interaction. Untreated cavities can also disrupt their oral development in the years to

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Closeup of Woman Flossing Teeth Roswell, GA

Is Oral Irrigation A Flossing Solution For You?

Optimal oral health demands two daily tasks: brushing and flossing. Both remove plaque, which is that thin film of bacteria and food particles that starts to accumulate just minutes after you eat. Brushing tackles the plaque from the broad surfaces of your teeth, but flossing is the only way to get in between those teeth.

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Man Holding Hand Over Mouth Due to Bad Breath Roswell GA

Is Your Rx Causing Bad Breath?

Nearly 55 percent of Americans take a prescription medication on a daily basis, according to a survey posted in Health Daily News. These medications are used to treat a myriad of health concerns, and many of them have unwanted side effects. While an upset stomach, dizziness or sleeplessness is easy to pinpoint as a medication

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Happy dentist patient

The Role of Dental Plaque Towards Overall Health

Most people with a general knowledge of dental care have heard the term “dental plaque.” You probably know plaque as a harmful substance that needs to be removed on our teeth if you want to avoid cavities or gum disease. The truth is, plaque is not only a risk for your dental health, it can

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