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Answering Your Questions About Dental Implant Repair

Does your dental implant feel or look differently than it once did? Although very rare, dental implant problems should be addressed right away. Dental implants carry a remarkable success rate of over 98%. However, they are still subject to failure or damage from time to time. When it comes to seeking dental implant repair, the

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Group of happy people

Learn These Reasons To Smile and Laugh More

At Mitzi Morris, DMD, our job is to help patients attain a healthy and beautiful smile. We never want the appearance or comfort of your teeth to be a reason you hide your smile or hold back your laughter. In fact, laughing and smiling can deliver some profound benefits towards your quality of life, your

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Happy dentist with thumbs up

Dermal Fillers from Your Dentist

Are you bothered by frown lines, crow’s feet and other signs of aging on your face? For some, wrinkles and deep lines can be a significant concern. They may even sabotage the way you feel about yourself or change the way others perceive you. While plastic surgery can be an effective solution to turn back

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Why Choose a Dentist For Teeth Whitening?

When it comes to gaining a brighter smile, you’ve got options. If you visit the dental care aisle of any local grocery store or pharmacy, you’ll notice countless products for whitening your teeth. While these products are cheaper and can offer some improvement, there are some major advantages to visiting your dentist for professional teeth

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Woman with a dental implants

5 Dental Myths You Should Stop Believing Now

There are several misconceptions about dental care lurking out there. Sadly, such dental myths can cause people to avoid going to the dentist or not take care of their teeth in a correct manner. This can lead to serious and long-term oral health issues that require costly dental procedures. Let’s clear the air when it

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Happy family

Top Reasons Why Baby Teeth Really Do Matter

Primary teeth, also known as “baby teeth,” are the first to emerge. They are a more temporary set of teeth that eventually become loose and fall out on a predicted timeline. These teeth are replaced with permanent teeth, which are the set of pearly whites you’ll have for the rest of your life with proper

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woman holding invisalign

Correcting Black Triangles Between the Teeth

Are you bothered by “black triangles” between your teeth? These are spaces at the base of the teeth where the gums have receded and exposed the triangular-shaped roots of the teeth. Black triangles often plague the lower front teeth. They can not only be unsightly, but also a place that easily traps food and accumulates

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Woman with a toothache

Have Tooth Pain? Avoid This

Pain in any part of your body can grab your attention. Pain signals are your body’s natural way of communicating to your brain that something just isn’t right. This also applies to your mouth. In fact, dental pain can be quite disruptive. Some people find it difficult to eat, sleep or even concentrate when they

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WHite teeh checkup

Not Flossing? What’s Your Excuse?

Optimal oral health is fostered by strong dental hygiene habits. This includes brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Sadly, more than half of the American population admits that they do not floss regularly. Twenty percent say they don’t floss at all. Why is this important hygiene task getting neglected? Here are some common reasons

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