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teeth brushing

Steps to Proper Brushing

Let’s face it; most people learn to brush their teeth as a child. Many times, the way or the technique many people use to brush their teeth is not the most effective way to properly clean your teeth and gums. Research shows that proper brushing is not exactly instinctive behavior, so here are a few

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Happy dentist patient

How to Avoid a Dental Dilemma this Holiday Season

As the hustle and bustle of the holidays is upon us we tend to keep a hurried schedule. A dental emergency, such as a root canal, is never a welcomed occurrence, especially around the holidays. Here are a few simple tips to help you avoid a dental dilemma this holiday season. Use a nut cracker,

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Dental implants visualization

Advantages of Dental Implants

As the only true option for permanent tooth replacement, dental implants are becoming more and more common for dental patients who suffer from tooth loss. Dental implants are quite different from other options of temporary tooth replacement like removable bridges and dentures. Dental implants are comparatively more expensive; however to patients of all ages the

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Smiling woman

The Power of ZOOM! . . .

A smile can warm the heart and melt the soul. Studies show that a smile is the first thing people notice about the opposite sex and the very top characteristic that attracts people to others. A smile can say so many things from hello, to I’m sorry, yes and I love you. Have you considered

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