If you suffer from dry mouth, you may not be concerned. Most dry mouth sufferers are more likely frustrated than concerned. It is important however to understand dry mouth to truly know IF there is reason for concern. The symptoms of dry mouth can vary, but include frequent mouth sores or cracked lips, a bothersome constant thirst, trouble speaking and difficulty swallowing or tasting their food. Some patients who suffer from dry mouth experience a burning sensation on their tongue; have chronic bad breath, and a sore or hoarse throat.
If you are experiencing one or more symptoms of dry mouth, you should call your dentist immediately or mention your symptoms at your next dental checkup. Dry mouth can be minor at times and easily address, but it can also be the start of more serious oral problems.
Dry mouth, or xerostomia, can result from a number of factors. You can develop dry mouth as a side effect to certain medications. Specific medical treatments can cause dry mouth in many people, treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy for certain cancers. Smoking or chewing tobacco sometimes disrupts the production of saliva in your mouth and can aggravate or intensify symptoms of dry mouth.
Dry mouth becomes more than just bothersome symptoms when it begins to increase your risk of gum disease, tooth decay and the mouth infection known as thrush. You’ll be glad to know that there are a handful of non medical ways to help alleviate dry mouth. Drinking lots of water is good for dry mouth not to mention your overall health. Sugar free candy or sugar free gum helps to sooth dry mouth and stimulate saliva production. If you have dry mouth, try breathing through your nose, rather than your mouth. Adding a humidifier to your bedroom or home can help offer dry mouth relief.
Tooth decay is real threat if you suffer from dry mouth. Be sure to use fluoride toothpaste and a fluoride rinse daily. Your dentist can prescribe an oral rinse designed to help dry mouth, or a medication that helps increase saliva production. Talking to your dentist about dry mouth is a great first step to combat this problem and together you are likely to find a resolution that can help.