While our teeth are designed to last a lifetime, many of us will face the need for teeth replacement. Whether it is due to a traumatic injury or poor dental health, your natural teeth can fall out or need extraction. If you have a full arch of missing teeth, a denture is the go-to solution.
All dentures are not created equal. A key distinction is how the arch of prosthetic teeth is attached or secured. While a traditional denture is less expensive, it is typically held in place by an adhesive cream along the ridge of your gums. Unfortunately, traditional dentures are commonly associated with slipping due to a lack of stability or poor fit. When a tooth goes missing, there is no tooth root to properly stimulate the underlying bone and tissues. In result, the jaw can begin to atrophy and the gum ridge changes shape over time. This causes your dentures to need adjustments or realigns from time to time. Such disturbances in the security of your smile can put a major damper on your self-confidence and quality of life. Ill-fitting dentures can lead to gum irritations, eating challenges and even speech problems.
There’s good news. You don’t have to secure your dentures the way your grandfather or great-grandfather did. With the help of a skilled restorative dentist, you can opt for implant-supported dentures, or overdentures. Dental implants have changed the face of modern dentistry, for those with just one missing tooth as well as for people with a full mouth of missing teeth.
Dental implants are tiny titanium screws that are surgically placed into your jawbone, acting as a valued and stable tooth root for your prosthetic teeth on top. In some cases, as few as four dental implants can be used to secure a full arch of missing teeth. Using implant-supported dentures, you’ll be able to:
- Skip the messy adhesive cream
- Enjoy full confidence while eating, speaking and laughing
- Maintain your overdentures just like natural teeth
- Avoid frequent denture adjustments
Ready to learn more about how you can trade in your traditional dentures for a more secure and comfortable denture design? Schedule your consult with a qualified implants dentist at Mitzi Morris, DMD.